Why Bakery Managers Have Sleepless Nights
Here's an animation we put together showing the problems bakery managers have and how we can make things better for you.
7 Things That Stick in a Bakery Managers Throat
Life as a bakery manager isn't easy. In this infographic we've highlighted 7 main points that can cause bakery managers sleepless nights.
Industrial bakeware non stick coating
Industrial bakeware non-stick coating from AFT Fluorotec Coating Solutions. Please send us your contaminated industrial baking tins, for us to refurbish, we can clean, degrease, and recoat, with a PTFE non-stick coating in the colour of your choice. AFT Fluorotec will consult...
Refurbish non stick ptfe coated industrial bakeware
AFT Fluorotec will now refurbish non stick PTFE coated industrial bakeware. AFT Fluorotec is pleased to offer a full management and refurbishment program for your PTFE non-stick coated industrial bakeware, pans, tins or straps. Your old contaminated baking trays and tins can...
PTFE non stick coating supplied by AFT Fluorotec Coatings
A PTFE non-stick coating supplied by AFT Fluorotec Coatings, will offer a release solution to your for your industrial baking process. A PTFE non stick coating, has been proven to reduce the amount of oil that is required in a bakery application...
AFT Fluorotec Offer Better PTFE Release Properties
AFT Fluorotec PTFE based coating systems AFC2111 in Green and AFC 2113 in dark Grey, offer better PTFE release properties than most other PTFE coatings on the market. Enhanced release properties, improved hardness, and increased resistance to permeation, these and other properties...