Some of the more complex connectors we manufacture are for aircraft and aerospace applications where failure could mean the aircraft computer brain loses its connection with important weapons or mechanical systems within the aircraft.

These are the ultimate in precision and reliability and use materials that are often bespoke to the customers.

PTFE is used primarily because of its superior dielectric properties especially at high radar and microwave frequencies.

  • PTFE is capable of much higher temperatures than many other materials.
  • It is classed as a high performance substitute over weaker and lower melting point polyethylene.

is used where high temperatures exist as it has a very high melting point.

  • It benefits from excellent electrical properties.
  • It retains its mechanical properties and electrical properties at high temperatures.
Critical components
Our clients regularly use our components on a wide range of applications where they play a critical role.
Ultimate precision
Our cutting edge technology and team of experts ensure each insulator we produce is of the highest quality and meets your specifications.
Robust materials
We create components from hundreds of different grades of materials and even work with clients to design a bespoke material for their application.
Aerospace Case Study
Read our aerospace case study which describes how we developed a bespoke range of machined connectors for an overseas client.

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